Final Post Game: Establish the Communications

Hi, my game is called Establish the communications and it is about my history fair project. The first step in creating my controller was adding in the buttons. This part of the project was probably the least challenging and was quick. Next I had to wire the controller. I had to use the stripper tool and strip the male and female wires then tie wrap them both up in electrical tape. I did this with all my buttons which was 5, 4 playing buttons and…

Establish the Communications

For my game, im doing it based on my history fair project. My history fair project is communication in space. You (the player) are a rocket, and you are trying to get from earth to clear space where you can establish communications. My biggest challenge in creating my game is the certain number of coins you need under the time limit to win. It was difficult to find the blocks and it did not work out well. After a long while I found out the…

Check out my Game. Shark Chases Lemon and Modern Duck.

My game I created called Shark chases lemon and modern duck’s code I is based off the coding of the pizza game tutorial. I used the coding of the pizza game as a base with 1 player and one food and added on 1 more food and 1 enemy. Just like my title, you are the shark and you are chasing the lemon and duck. Both of them are set up as foods so when you (the shark) touches them they will disappear and you…

Avi’s Blog

My name is Avi and I go to Quest Academy. I transferred here in 3rd grade from my district public school. I came to Quest Academy like many other people because my parents thought my old school was not challenging enough and there was no point in me being there. Some things I like to do are go outside, watch tons of movies, and travel. Some things I like to do outside of school are going on bike rides, play soccer and garden. I have…